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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Currency is used to create and maintain a list of foreign currencies and their exchange rates. Foreign Currencies are used to:

  1. Purchase goods from international suppliers.
  2. Process sales from LinkPOS using Foreign Currencies.


  1. The "Default Currency" is the "Home Currency" and is setup in menu "Company ".
  2. The foreign currency rates must be setup against the "Home Currency". For example,
    1. The "Home Currency" for company A is "Australian Dollars (AUD)".
    2. Company A buys "Fiji Water" from Fiji where the payment is made in "Fijian Dollars (FJD)".
    3. Set the exchange to covert "AUD" to "FJD" under currency code "AUD".

Steps to create Currency:

  1. Enter below details
    1. Code - Enter a code which can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each currency.
    2. Description - Enter the detailed description of the currency. 
    3. Notes  - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
    4. Void - Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups . Edit the record and "UN-tick" void to activate a record.
  2. Expand  into the details to add the "Exchange Rate"
    1. Select the "Currency Code".
    2. Date From and Date To - Enter the date range for which the exchange rate is valid.
    3. Buy Rate - "Buy Rate" is the rate used to purchase good from international vendors.
    4. Sell Rate - "Sell Rate" is used to sell goods with "Foreign Currencies" in LinkPOS.
    5. Notes  - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.    

    Figure 1: Currency